Episode 99: A conversation with Dr. Linita Eapen Mathew on grief

In Today’s episode, Saul talks to Dr. Linita Eapen Mathew on grief. Dr. Mathew, is a secondary English Language Arts and mental health support teacher from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She obtained her Doctor of Education from the University of Calgary, writing an autoethnographic dissertation that explored the effect of storytelling on bereavement.
She received the Canadian Association of Teacher Education (2021) thesis and dissertation award for her work’s contribution to teacher education. Using her skills and expertise for service, she created and led numerous Grief and Writing Through Grief workshops for educators and bereavement support centers across North America. Apart from being an educator, she is a writer at heart and has released two books based on her doctoral dissertation: Life: To Be Given Back Again to Whence It Came and the companion stories The Revelations of Eapen.
Book 1: “Life: To Be Given Back Again to Whence It Came” – A dissection of prolonged grief, cultural grief illiteracy, the healing power of rituals and communal grieving, and an analysis of the impact of expressive storytelling on bereavement can be viewed here: www.diopress.com/life
Book 2: “The Revelations of Eapen” – The author’s intimate exploration of eastern and western cultural interactions with the phenomenon of grief before, during, and after her father’s death can be viewed here: www.diopress.com/revelations-of-eapen
Academic Article: “Braiding western and eastern cultural rituals in bereavement: An autoethnography of healing the pain of prolonged grief” - https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2021.1983158
Hospice Chaplaincy Copyright/ 2020 podcasting